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Counselling Team

Our Team


I help clients attachment issues, anxious-avoidant dynamics and also specialise in helping those with insecure attachments become more secure and loving.

Therapy Rates:

Online 1:1 Therapy Session: $249.99 AUD

Counsellor & Pyschotherpist, BACP Registered

South Wales, United Kingdom

Ken Reid Counselling - Kate

I help clients overcome bad breakups, narcissistic abuse as well as heal from cPTSD. I assist my clients in becoming more secure and overcome any past trauma through root cause therapy.

Counselling Rates:

Online 1:1 Counselling Session: $249.99 AUD

Online Couple Counselling Session: $299.99 AUD

Counsellor, Certified Root-Cause Therapy,

ACA Registered

Brisbane, Australia

Ken Reid Counselling - Ken

I help clients navigate relationships, breakups, grief, their identity as part of the LGBTQIA+ community and working through mild CPTSD.

NOTE: The estimated wait-time is approximately 11 to 12 months.

Fully Booked

Counsellor, ACA Registered

Sydney, Australia

Ken Reid Counselling - Amy

I help individuals who have suffered a bad breakup with an avoidantly attached partner to heal, as well as learning how to become more secure in their attachment.

Coaching Rates:

Online 1:1 Coaching Session: $249.99 AUD

Certified Integrated Attachment Coach

New York, United States

Ken Reid Counselling - Sydni

I help individuals going through difficult relationships, navigating how to have a healthy relationship with partners who have avoidant attachment and how to navigate divorce.

Fully Booked

Certified ICF Life Coach

Louisiana, United States

Sydney, Australia
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